Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8 things i realised in 2008

1. The only reason refrigerators were invented is that you should have a never ending supply of chilled beer.

2. Being lazy is more satisfying than stocking up your fridge with beer.

3. One is either presented with the stupidity of stupid news or the depression of depressing news. Is it so dumb and dark out there?

4. The only true prophet of our times is Barney Stinson; the Bro Code, the Crazy-Hot Graph, the Chain/Circle/Pyramid of screaming, he's got an answer to everything. Legen-wait for it-dary!

5. The easiest way to make people read a blog is to make a list.

6. There are two ways to feel happy, satisfied and fulfilled with your life. Neither of them works.

7. Remember the great things science taught you about life; the stars, planets, physics, atoms, motion, geology, psychology, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle? Now remember credit cards, Java, Sensex? How things change.

8. Well, Whatever. Here's to life; take it with a pinch of salt...a dash of lemon and a shot of tequila! :D

A Happy New year.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with your fifth bullet:D

Anonymous said...

That's the whole truth right there. Amen.

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